The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Fellow Diners

A trip to Wickes as our nearest Homebase has closed down. All I was after were some japanned screws. My Dad used to have boxes and boxes of them. I wonder why they’re given that name. I have no time to look it up. Things to do. 
Though after things had been done, it was off to Ocean Terminal again to see Vermiglio. Another gem of a film unearthed by the SK. Who’d be a woman in peasant Italy in those days? I ask somewhat rhetorically as I wouldn’t wish to be a woman anytime anywhere. That’s my upbringing to blame; it may well be terrific.
And then we ate in Pizza Express - yes - buy one pizza get the second for £1! Though of course we went large and by the time you add in the monster wine it wasn’t quite the bargain..
And peace breaks out in the Gaza conflict. How exactly this has happened seems unclear as the “settlement” is almost exactly that negotiated by Biden’s people last May. Mark Urban in the Times says Trump’s people put pressure on with the promise that they’ll deal with Iran’s nuclear programme. We may not have quite seen the end ...  

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