Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Reading and Crocheting.

Today on the Christian Calendar from the Comboni Missionaries it reminds us it is Peace Sunday. It is also a week of Christian Unity. Opportunities to do good work.

The Feast Day of Saints Marius and Martha. They were the male and female parents of their sons Audifax and Abachum.

It is also the Feast Day of Saint Wulfstan who was educated in English monasteries. He became Bishop of Worcester. He is remembered as a much loved and respected Bishop and stopped slave trade in Bristol. He died in 1095.

This Sunday it remains very low temperature outside and the garden bird's water formed a thin layer of ice. 1c feels like minus 3c just before 6pm.

Starlings, pigeons, blackbirds and a robin visited the feeders. The cats were mostly indoors but went out for a while.

Thankful the central heating works.

I listened to Songs of Praise.
The theme was Christian Unity. The few good religious programmes are a sign of the need for more prayers as a country, and a United Kingdom, to show God we are appalled how ungodly much of our lives have become. We can pray our way back to Holy living with peace at the centre and fight the good fight against poverty and depravity, so as not to sink lower into the mire of worldly grievousness. The Lord can return like a thief in the night, so knowing that, we need constant mind, body, soul vigilance. It can take years sometimes to break the stranglehold of detrimental addictions.
Paul is cooking us a good evening meal of Sea Bass, mustard mash potato and corn. I am still mourning the loss of chocolate in my life, but it is a choice I plan to stick with, as hard as it seems now. I recognise only now that greed was the reason behind a life time of self indulgence eating lovely chocolates much of them not being ethical.
Enjoy a good evening.
Call the Midwife is on BBC1 at 8pm.

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