Railway Buddies
Well as you can see I was working at the Railway all day. The man in the pic was Station Master which means he was also overall in charge for the day.
He is a man of many talents. He has just retired from being an engineer all his working life. He comes all the way down from Christchurch two hours drive away to foster his love of trains and traction engines. He is overall in charge of the steam engines and teaching all the young lads to get their fireman tickets and then their steam tickets. They all look up to him as a teacher. We have a very strict criteria that matches up to the standard of the national railway
The wee guy beside him aged 7 is absolutely a railway addict. Either his grandfather or his mother come around and stay all day just to let him take part. Sometimes he will go with whoever is clicking tickets but today arrived and said he wanted to be on the platform with Dowell but he also had a brand new pair of overalls so at times donned them and rode in the engine.
Just before Christmas he had a kidney removed, his mother said he didn't stay still for long. Cant play any contact sport or the like so its nice he has this love of trains and that the men are understanding. Many of our younger members started this way and have been coming since they were just kids and are now very responsible train drivers and the like
People ask me "Do you like trains" My answer, Not particularly but enjoy volunteering for the good of the community and they sure are a great bunch to work alongside of. Every community needs a solid bunch of volunteers to make it tick
Well what a spiel I have written, The little guy is named Nixon, his face lit up when I told him his photo was going around the world
Today we had people from Scotland , Two different parts of England, Vancouver Island, Both sides of Australia, all over New Zealand and other places
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