Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


She's on solo walk at the mo cos she was spayed this week. 

Had an awesome hack out on Indy with Sue and Rosie. He had everything thrown at him - noisy builders next to the pub, two buses, a big lorry, tractor and trailer, a leaf blower, someone pressure washing their drive, bikes and loads of cars. He was absolutely awesome! I was so made up. 

Did 5 barrows of poo before getting Jack in. Mike dropped Eva at the yard then I took her to her PC c test training which was in the middle of nowhere! Further than I expected so had to hang around rather than drive home. It was freezing! Eva really enjoyed it. It's every fortnight for the next 8 weeks then she'll do an exam at the end. We didn't get home till 8.30pm. I was so ready for a brew and my dinner as I ate my lunch at 12! Luckily Mr EG had it all ready. He's a good 'un. 

Finding coming home hard without Charley here. It's going to take a while to adjust. 

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