She's on solo walk at the mo cos she was spayed this week.
Had an awesome hack out on Indy with Sue and Rosie. He had everything thrown at him - noisy builders next to the pub, two buses, a big lorry, tractor and trailer, a leaf blower, someone pressure washing their drive, bikes and loads of cars. He was absolutely awesome! I was so made up.
Did 5 barrows of poo before getting Jack in. Mike dropped Eva at the yard then I took her to her PC c test training which was in the middle of nowhere! Further than I expected so had to hang around rather than drive home. It was freezing! Eva really enjoyed it. It's every fortnight for the next 8 weeks then she'll do an exam at the end. We didn't get home till 8.30pm. I was so ready for a brew and my dinner as I ate my lunch at 12! Luckily Mr EG had it all ready. He's a good 'un.
Finding coming home hard without Charley here. It's going to take a while to adjust.
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