
By Tryfan46

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Repair Cafe in one of our village halls this afternoon. As there was a “clock person” there I took my grandparents’ clock to see if he could solve advise on a couple of problems. It runs slow and the chime goes “kerchung” rather than the pleasant sound it used to make.

This clock was on my grandparents dresser all my life so it is at least 70 years old. Made by Smiths. When my grandad died I inherited the clock (amongst other stuff).

It worked then stopped, took it to a repairer who had it for ages, but it was no better and has stood silently gathering the dust on our dresser. It would be lovely to have it go and take me back to by childhood years.

I don’t hold out much home. He said we would oil the mechanism and look into the problem with the chime. It looks as if I will need to find a proper horologist?

I’ve another click id love to have working that belonged to my parents. It’s an office clock which, like this one, is the timepiece of my childhood. I’d love to have it back on the wall doing what it should.

Awfully cold day. leaden skies and thin wind. Only 3c all day and exactly the same now

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