The twins were here this afternoon while Helen and Omar attended a 40th birthday party in the mountains.
I downloaded and printed many colouring in pages from the Internet. Princesses, fairies and unicorns for Ella. Pokemon characters for Ayman. He was insistent that he reproduced them in the correct colours so after downloading I had to find a colour version on the phone for him to copy.
The problem was they had names like Squirtle, Snorlax, Mewtwo, Gengar, Charizard, Sandslash, Sandshrew etc. which was OK if it was written on the picture but otherwise I was in trouble.
Ella was happy just to do her own thing. Most seemed to get green hair.
During the process they managed to convert my keyboard to an azerty one. I was eventually able to get it back with the help of Google.
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