The other day Broughton Market had these; otherwise known as daikon. We are always willing to try something different. We've been eating it sliced raw, like red radishes in the summer time; it also does OK chopped and cooked with protein, when the flavour disappears.
Pilates in the morning again; the second class had spaces so I went along. Cool grey morning, overcast but no rain.
@LauraMuir mentioned vaccinations; the Covid vaccination program for Scotland ends on 31 Jan. Had been looking for appointments, as was the previous procedure; both Ocean Terminal and Waverley Market are walk-in only. The Market had one person in front of us and all their information lined up. Pfizer vaccine (my first time for that, all the previous ones have been Moderna).
We wandered through the station, out at the back door on Calton Road, and home for tea.
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