It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

New Bike Day

The last bike i bought was a superlight carbon fibre Di2 equipped race machine. Don't get me wrong, it's a wonderful machine but it lacks soul. I enjoy riding it but its just a thing that I ride in nice weather.

When my Cannondale workhorse training bike died, I was sad especially as it was my most ridden bike. But when Rich of Keep Pedalling in Manchester suggested I have a look at Soma Fabrication bikes, I was delighted to find a bike that was a perfect replacement. It's a Smoothie Tange Prestige steel frame with a quite substantial wheelbase and long head tube. It's not a racer but rather a neutral handling, comfortable everyday bike which looks so stylish. I refrain from using the word 'retro' as it suggests craving back to a bygone era. In my view, simple clean lines and functionality is always stylish and contemporary. I'm a sceptic too and no longer fall for marketing hype.

The bike was ordered a month ago, but had to make its way over from San Francisco and then be built up with my old bits. The only addition was a shiny Hope headset from Barnwoldswick which is within a rideable distance from home. The bike feels great. Many magazines would have you believe that lightness and stiffness is everything, something that corners on rails and could handle peloton riding in the Tour de France. Bollocks! Comfort and predictable, stable handling better suits most people. The only downside to the bike is that it's white but I can live with that.

Thanks to Rich for building my new pride and joy, a bike with soul. He and Shona have a great bike shop. Whilst catering for the typical fashion conscious Northern Quarter market, they are true cyclists who attain a level of service that the big chains and Internet companies can only dream of.

The start to my day was less exciting. I was hurting from last night's race and had to roll out of bed sideyways as my muscles were so sore. It had been a restless night as they had been constantly twitching involuntarily. I thought for a bit that I had left my wallet in Perez's car and would have to cycle to work. No, it was in my jacket so it was a train journey for me.

The day went quickly as I was determined to get an article finished by 5pm. Achieved! Then it was into town to get the new bike. A cold brew coffee was in order, to celebrate this purchase, not that an excuse is required. Wayne had done a fine job and Jayne was well excited to see my new bike. Katie wasn't her Kids presenter cheery self due to the heat but she still managed a smile. Two Madeleine's, a lovely lemon one and a less favourite chocolate one, accompanied my delicious iced coffee. Although previous generations in my family would have preferred a bevy, a fag and a smoked sausage supper, I have no inhibitions in liking non-alcoholic beverages with prim-and-proper girlie bites.

Living in a city far away from Rosemary and friends is challenging, even though I have a job that I love. Having places like NTP and Keep Pedalling to pop into and be welcomed by friendly faces helps too. A Scotsman never likes to part with money, but it's far more pleasurable if it goes to people who do what they do for the love of it rather than some faceless corporation.

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