
By KCNQ2Haiku

The ‘seen another dog in the far distance’ Stance

Leo will not move
once he’s caught wind of a dog
at ANY distance..

He was a monkey on his walks today, very barky. Some days he’s more tolerant but today he wanted everyone to know when he’d spotted ANYTHING. Especially when he spotted a cat on someone’s drive and when a fox darted in front of him. The whole street definitely knows who Leo is today :-/
I have been super tired as it was another disturbed night, the whole family seemingly conspiring against me! There was one migraine between midnight and 3am, one dexcom compression low, one panic from me at 4am when I realised I hadn’t taken my medication before bed and one 5:30am wake up :-/ I decided not to tot up how much sleep I had had as it might frighten me! I powered on though, walked the barky dog and went for lunch with Mr KCNQ2Haiku, which was a treat and did manage to go back to bed for an hour when Mr KCNQ2Haiku finished work, so I’m feeling a bit more back on track. Ben was ok at school but had a thing afterwards which was frustrating, mostly about washing his hands after a bathroom visit that 120% required a hand wash.. sigh.

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