Bathing Songthrush
I put fresh water in the bird bath today and there's been a steady queue of customers. Very happy to see a songthrush in the garden.
The journey home yesterday was uneventful and only about 15-20 minutes late which barely counts after such a distance. We really did have the most marvellous time. Thanks again for all the lovely comments.
While I was away Flora had to have surgery on her eye. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that she has developed an ulcer on her cornea. Despite two kinds of drops and some oral medicine it hasn't cleared up. Yesterday she had a general anaesthetic at the vet's surgery and a procedure which seems to have involved scraping her eye (shudder). No wonder she had to be anaesthetised. She isn't allowed off her lead till the vet sees her again next week. Poor Flora, her eye is gummy and the green dye the vet used to show up the problem is now leaking onto her face. It looks terrible and I hope the operation has worked as planned.
Wishing you a good weekend.
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