One Cat Café
This morning was spent thinking about doing things, including thinking about Bali and sorting more photos. By the end of the day I was half way through 2021. It's funny seeing how Covid and lockdown affected the photos: lots of a sunny garden, few people, local views from local streets and an empty city. Brought it all back looking at it. And lots of foxes. They seemed to be around every day during lockdown, maybe they were trying to cheer up the humans.
I did have a swim but the water was cold, it was very windy and then it started to rain.
At lunchtime WH and I went to pick up the girls from school, last day of the school year. Then we went to SoFluffy for lunch and played an aspiring game of Jenga. The café has a cat, Mei Mei , a year old with no tale. She was very friendly, just as well as the girls have her little peace.
I went home after (nearly 4) and did some more sorting before going over to HK for Turkish pizza and another viewing of 'Wallace and Gromit', on Netflix this time.
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