Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Galton House

The rest of the party arrived on the overnight flight from Frankfurt.

We are 5 which is a good number and we are getting on very well. I am so pleased that I came a day early. I would not have managed the city tour this afternoon. Everyone else came.

We had lunch at a beautiful craft centre and were encouraged to indulge in retail therapy. It was fun. The food in the café was excellent. I had chicken pea salad and it was delicious.

We had a couple of hours rest then we needed to sort out a light bag of items for the next two days. This will go with us on the 12 seater Cessna tomorrow. The rest of our luggage is going overland to meet us in Purros in 48 hours time. It sounds like a gruelling drive.

This hotel is brilliant. Everything about it is good. We were asked to collect water in a bucket when running a shower, i.e. before it is warm enough for the shower. The cleaners use the water we have collected.

The tree is in the garden here and the moth was rescued from the swimming pool by Saskia this morning. It was recovering and hiding in the shade.

We had a gin tasting before dinner. There were 5 gins on offer, all local. They were served with tonic but also with fruit, juniper berries, flower petals and cucumber. Each glass was a work of art!

Our dinner was a barbecue. The meat was very good and the salads even better.

I will try to sleep with the air conditioning on while I have the opportunity.

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