High above the road
Yesterday was rather a good one - more cloudy today, though the sun did break through from time to time. I would have gone for a walk, but my hip's sore today, so my only outing was in the car, to try to round up some litter pickers as a group wanted to do some litter picking at Dunollie.
Otherwise it's mostly been Photo Club stuff. I had to get the images together for our next competition, 'Storms and inclement weather', and send them off to the judge this morning. Only eight members entered, with a total of 51 pictures. We usually do better, but maybe our weather is just too good! Ha!
I've also been trying to pick out pictures for our annual Argyll Inter-club competition, the Frank Walton Trophy. We submit up to eight pictures each, then next Wednesday the club will choose twelve and I'll get them off to the judge. I rarely get my pictures picked!
I went out on the deck during the afternoon and took this picture for my Blip. It's deceptive, as we're probably 40ft above the road and can spy on people walking their dogs or their kids! In the foreground is one of my favourite shrubs, Schefflera rhododendrifolia, a native of the Himalayan region and round about. It's perfectly hardy here and I grew it for a long time at Arduaine. In those days it was called Schefflera impressa but I see now that it's been renamed again and is now Heptapleurum rhododendrifolium! Why don't these taxonomists leave us alone!
I actually stayed outside and read a book for 15 or 20 minutes before the sun dropped behind the trees! A first this winter!
Quote of the Day: 'I see litter as part of a long continuum of anti-social behaviour.' - Bill Bryson.
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