My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd

Flash of Turquoise

A fine chilly but Sunny morning, so I decided to go for a walk along Horsey Sewer, I set my timer for 15 minutes as I had to visit Joan in 45 minutes, so 15 minutes there, 15 minutes back.
I was surprised how far I walked in 15 minutes, I almost stopped at the 2nd bridge, but decided to carry on walking to the 3rd where quite often Swan's would build a nest; my timer went off, but I continued to the bridge where to my surprise sat a Kingfisher; I took a photo through the bars, then tried to get closer, but he flew in a flash of turquoise, but I saw him land & luckily I have a zoom lens on my new Camera & managed to get a few good photo's of him.
I was a HAPPY BUNNY & couldn't wait to tell Joan.
Joan is doing a lot better, but not venturing outside again just yet. 
Bless her.

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