Looking Out the Window
This photo was taken from inside the bedroom window, it is the sunset view over the golf course tonight. The sky was much brighter and more colorful than it looks in this photo. Thanks, Steven, for hosting Wide Wednesday this month.
Today we had a young man here who just needed a little extra cash so after he was done with the work my husband had for him, I had him help me clean out the clutter in our attic. There was quite a bit of debris that had fallen in there when we had our new roof installed recently. It was wonderful to have a strong agile young man helping me by taking all the boxes and misc stuff down the stairs into the garage. I already threw away lots of stuff and loaded my car with stuff for the thrift stores. He swept and vacuumed up there and it looks great. I promise to not fill it with junk again!! My children will thank me when I am gone!!!
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