Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Local filling station

I took so many photos of the iconic Arran outline this afternoon, from the shore road along Loch Striven as the sun set and the sky grew golden orange, that I was about to choose one for tonight's blip, and then realised you'd think I never did anything else, so I've introduced a new outline for your interest: the POL depot on the loch side. (To save you looking it up: Petrol, Oil and Lubricants) Sometimes we pass when there's a NATO ship tied alongside, or a big tanker, and then the air is full of the dangerous smell of petrol and the humming of the engines; even more interesting is if you catch a ship manoeuvring into position or leaving the jetty. This afternoon, however, it was deserted apart from the seabirds that perch on the outlying anchoring points, and it was silent. Silent, that is, till everyone working at whatever point along the road decided it was time to go home: it's a narrow single-track road with terrible potholes and lethal erosion and/or subsidence at the sides so that we ended up scrambling for the verge several times on the last half mile or so. 

Before that, I had the sense of easing back into ordinary life again. I did two washings and hung them out, with the satisfaction of taking them in about 2.30pm and finding everything more or less dry in the wind that had tossed them about. I made a nice brown loaf with some rye flour added (I was reduced to mixing them all up - I need to buy more). I dealt with some church correspondence about the building itself. And then I went to the chemist to pick up the right brand of tablets that they've not been able to get for weeks - great air of jollity about it as everyone in the shop knows of my hunt for this brand. (I actually emailed the manufacturers and got a helpful email back about shortages and the restoration of supplies, and giving a phone number for the pharmacist to ring. I was quite impressed.)

And that was it, really. Dinner and Compline and catching up on Silent Witness, which completely lost me this week. If anyone can summarise in a sentence ...

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