
By Majoayee


Tessellations!  Having looked at Escher's work we decided to try these in Photoshop.  I was doing it on my computer with Geof helping while the other two were trying a tutorial about converting to B&W.

We followed this tutorial.  I noticed there are others which I shall look at!  This is a bit ugly but hey!!!  Better viewed Large as it's less in your face!!!

 I used tessellations ages ago for a cover of a fictitious magazine - a college assignment - see extra.(Feb 2013)  I prefer those to the ones done  today!  I think I had made the creature in paper and then used Photoshop to tessellate it etc.  Yes it was CS7 in those days!!

Busy day - opticians first then Digital group and then prepared for tomorrow by making soup and cake - long, long time since I made a lemon drizzle cake!!

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