
By cowgirl

Chalice Well Garden

The Chalice Well in Glastonbury is among the best known and most loved holy wells in Britain, apparently. Many legends are attributed to its chalybeate waters, which flow ceaselessly at a steady rate and temperature that never varies. Not least among these is that they represent the blood of Christ miraculously springing forth from the ground when Joseph of Arimathea buried or washed the cup used at the Last Supper. For others the waters are acknowledged as the essence of life, the gift from Mother Earth to sustain its living forms and so a continuous spring like Chalice Well is a direct expression of an unbounded life force.

The annual programme of events honours the seasons in nature which fall on days celebrated since ancient times. They are grounded in the common principles of community, stillness, blessing, communion, reflection, gratitude and celebration. That people gather together in a beautiful garden allows a shared acknowledgement of the sacred and the divine that transcends borders and differences.

Today in the Wheel Of The Year, it is the day to celebrate ' Fruition ', with a 30 minute meditation session at midday followed by refreshments and an opportunity to chat with other like minded people ( except we left to have lunch somewhere else! )

Not really my calling I have to say, but I went along with my friend Sue, a Reiki Master, who was able to feel the energy. Never the less, I filled my water bottle with the spring water and all in all had a very nice day.

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