Best sunrise for a while
A troubling cough has affected my sleeping to the extent that I shifted to the spare room during the night. Eventually, the hacking subsided and I went to sleep, waking up to this sunrise and just before a Tesco delivery.
A very pleasant late winter day, 7c at best with fine sunshine. It actually felt warm while we were out walking this morning. The cough only occurs at night and doesn’t have any impact on running, walking or HIITing.
A busy afternoon in the kitchen getting ready for tomorrow’s visitors from Waltham Abbey. Made Mrs HCB’s bacon and lentil soup. Tastes wonderful, thank you and a pork casserole. After a cup of tea I then did tonight’s dinner of a pizza topping one on a roasted aubergine base and the other on a portobello mushroom base. Both turned out very good. The idea came from Dr Clare Bailey’s 8 week blood sugar recipes book.
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