Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Wolf Moon

I'd love to know why the different months' full moon all have a different names.

I'd dropped off the car for a check up after I started to get a warning of water in the fuel and it was also an opportunity to check up on the battery health. Walking back, there were still the remnants of the cold weather where water was still pooling in the road surface and the spray caused by vehicles passing had made the footpath impassable because of black ice. After negotiating that I ended up walking up to the leisure centre later to meet L.

While there I had my body composition tested.  I know I'm overweight, but I still have good muscle mass and my metabolic age is spot on with my calendar age. I'm a lucky bloke though, because L had the same test and her metabolic age is a full 15 years younger than her calendar age! she was also in the ideal range for all of the other measurements.

After that revelation we visited a fireplace showroom before checking in on L's Mom and then over to pick up my car. All sorted and the battery health is good, probably due to the 16 hours of charging it has had over the last couple of days.

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