Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

Home sweet home ??

Well not any more! I've lived too long in Bristol; but I will still call it home I guess.

I grew up in Billingham, and I have to say the town centre always was a depressing place.

It looks like time has finally caught up with the desolation that is the town centre and it is currently being ripped apart in an attempt to bring it into the 21st century. I'm not sure if they will get there.

There is a lot of empty units; pawnbrokers; bookmakers and other low end shops. Which means if anyone actually wants to spend some real cash they'll head into Middlesbrough (which was always the case I think).

The town has some interesting history (see the wiki entry), but it never really seems to get promoted enough. I think the fact that somehow has severely edited the wiki entry and tried to turn it into a Visit Billingham site, has not helped either.

There used to be a detailed section on there about Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (well worth a read to anyone who has not read it - I found it a better read than it's compatriot 1984) about how the ICI plant inspired the author's vision - including the name of one of the major characters - read this link for more on the history of the book.

The view of all the industry is also believed to have inspired the beginning of Ridley Scott's Blade Runner. Struggling to find a decent article about that, but there is a bit on this BBC site.

Perhaps when I have some time I will re-visit the wiki page and do some editing on it. I did some a few years back - but not sure how much of my editing remains in place.

Today is a rest day. I've driven a hell of a lot of miles since Saturday when we left Bristol and my medication is making me sleepy, so no driving today except to pop into the town centre and to fill up with fuel ready for the start of our return home tomorrow.

Hopefully tomorrow we'll go to York, before spending the night at my sisters. Then should get home to Bristol in time to put JJ down for bed.

Finally, huge thanks for everyone who commented on my Transporter Bridge blip from yesterday and all the stars. Currently my second highest rated blip.

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