Living my dream

By Mima


Bean got worse again today, and given this is day four of her gut upset I took her to the vet. Again.

This time we sat down and discussed all the things that have been going on with her over the last two or three months, including a few minor things I don't think I have mentioned in my Blips.

The vet then gave her a very thorough examination.

The upshot is that she has a heart murmur, which is a recent development. She will have an x-ray (under sedation) on Friday to provide better information about her heart. 

That could explain some of her symptoms but not all. So they will also x-ray her digestive system for signs of any masses. If that's not definitive she can then have a bowel ultrasound.

Bloods were done today and have shown up nothing unusual at all. In fact everything is perfect from that point of view. They have kept back some blood to do further tests depending on what they can see in the x-rays.

I am preparing for the worst. While hoping for the best.

The good news is that Bean is waggy, and starving hungry. She has come home with meds to stop the diarrhoea, so she should be eating better quality and a greater quantity of food very soon.

On the other hand I'm not feeling at all waggy, and my appetite has deserted me.

Please, no home made remedy suggestions. I'm not up to fielding those sorts of comments. I am leaving things in the hands of the qualified professionals. 

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