Coal Doors of Bosells.....
.....continuing my fascinating series on these functional doors in boundary walls. I'm informed they were formerly used for delivering coal and other sundries, but happy to hear competing theories.
Misty views for my coffee and toast at breakfast. The garden birds were thinking better of it too and the feeders were devoid of activity. I swept-off crumbs and reviewed our final set of architect drawings before sign-off ready for the cooncil planners to pick over them. Fingers crossed we've nothing too contentious in there when we submit tomorrow.
To Gala next and another session in the gym with Nancy. She is a gym lover and enjoys having me along to watch me suffer. After a few weights, I joined a spin class with a group of people my age, and fortunately walked away feeling OK. The class following us was full of 20 somethings and they looked ready for some high intensity torture.
Back home to catch-up on admin and then make a coconut dhal for dinner. Don't worry, I've leftover roast beef to make stovies tomorrow.
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