
By HeartFreek


A few weeks ago I had an altercation with a dog walker who had no control over her 6 dogs and allowed them all to run over to Bella barking. I lost my rag a little bit with her and ended up having to pick Bella up so nothing awful would happen and she had the audacity to tell me I shouldn't be picking my dog up as it was normal for her! Well excuse me for wanting to protect my dog (who's been bitten before) from your unruly ones with no recall.

Well today I met her again. This time she had 8. Admittedly she had someone walking with her (who hit one of the dogs) but she didn't notice one of the dogs had run into a field and chased the deer barking. All the deer started running towards me but she carried on walking down the road without dog number 8. She did eventually stop and put leads on all the dogs so I could pass and went back to look for missing dog but the 2nd time in a month she's left me concerned for her profession. 

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