
By GracieG


My blip today is on the theme of ice.  A and I walked on Kelling Heath this morning and were surprised that despite the rise in temperature that there were still some icy areas.
We came across this frozen puddle in an area covered with grass.  Some leaves had gathered in a depression in the grass and then rain had collected and frozen in a layer over the leaves. 
We were puzzled by these round conical circles in the ice.  We have come to the conclusion that some raindrops had fallen onto the frozen puddle from the trees above and had begun to sink through the ice before freezing.

On the subject of ice, I spent at least half an hour picking tiny leaves off twigs of thyme in order to make thyme ice cubes for the freezer, ready to pop into casseroles and such like (see extra).  As I was about to freeze the cubes and throw away the herb packaging I noticed that a note on the back said that thyme could be frozen as sprigs and then when needed just shake the bag and the leaves would separate from the twiggy bits...aargh!  I wish I'd read that first!

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