
By Viewpoint

Todays walk to Danes Lane Farm

The snow is now melting, thank goodness,  the edges of the road are a mix of mud and sludgy brown snow.  

I had my visit from the Barnsley Parkinson’s nurse this morning and it was good to talk to her. 

I think the length of the night between my evening dose and the one the next morning has been my most anxious time and last night was the worst of all.  I think I hardly slept. She’s added on a new medication that I take once I’m in bed on an evening. It doesn’t matter if I’m not going straight to sleep because it’s a slow release medication that should get me through the night. Phew! I know it’s all about my anxiety but at the moment every little helps.

Because I needed to release the spikey feeling inside my body I thought a short walk might do the trick (and it did), so I chose to go down Hand Lane as far as the junction with Gudgeon Hole Lane (and this one is not named after a fish).  So another cloud photo, but not quite as spectacular as yesterday sky.

P.s. there was a brilliant red sky this morning - on the other camera so I need to remember to add it into extra.

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