Back Into Ephesians
We are still dealing with the ups and downs of winter here in Central Texas as we gathered at FBC on this mostly clear and sunny, but cold morning to lift praise and worship to God. We began our service with a congregational song, followed by the welcome from Chris. The choir, orchestra and all our dedicated accompanists presented a worshipful rendition of the song"Holy Forever" which has become a favorite of mine, because it seems like a preview of our future in Heaven if we have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus. After the special, the congregation joined in singing a few more songs before Pastor Wes took us back into the book of Ephesians to pick up where we left off before we took a break to prepare our hearts to celebrate the Christmas season and the start of a new year. He reminded us of things we had learned in the first five chapters----that God is good, God is wise and God is able to accomplish everything He said He would do. He had a perfect plan and the perfect way to carry out that plan through the family until mankind was led astray by the listening to the voice of the enemy who would like nothing better than to see God's plan fail. God provided a way to reconcile us to Himself through the death of Jesus on the cross to pay for our sin----not because we can ever earn it or deserve it, but, because He loves us. Pastor Wes had much more to say about all this and you can find it on the Live-stream. It would be well worth your time to watch it and it just might change your life! At the end of the service, one young boy made his public profession of faith. We also prayed over Sara and her family as they are returning to Uganda this week to continue the work that God has called them there to do.......
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