Gitama's World

By Gitama

Sunset @ My Secret Lake & What is Art?

I stumbled across this lake sometime back's a little off the beaten felt like discovering a treasure.

A day with Ma and Pa and then a wee detour on the way home......they are always the best....and this is such a peaceful place.......another one on my list to explore when I finally get my kayak.

A friend today talked about her photos not being 'Art' when using filters on them.
I think there are many that feel the same way and that if Photoshop or Lightroom or anything else is involved it is somehow cheating.

So I ask .....What is Art? What isn't? And What is cheating?

It's all shades of grey to me....I started off as a Printmaker then moved on to Painting /Pastels then Graphic art and Design. Because I rent my home I do not always have the luxury of having a studio for painting so now my studio is in my camera and computer.

It is part of my essential makeup that I continue to be creative...and I don't reckon myself a fabulous photographer (I'm learning)...but I do love the post processing...I like to make magical images and I kind of reckon that if those that think using filters is cheating they obviously haven't spent days months and years learning how to use them. I'm OK being a filter slut.

I love this from Rumi

"The wound is the place where the Light enters you."
--Rumi (not the dog)

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