
By KatesGardenPDX

Another Gorgeous Day!

We had such a fun day today! My sister has a guy who works for her - we might call him a handyman in the states - his name is Eduardo and he fixes anything that needs fixing. And when she’s home in Vancouver, WA during the summer, Eduardo is one of the people who keeps Emily’s place up and running.

Emily invited Eduardo and his family - his wife and two daughters ages 11 and 17 - over for a meal this afternoon. Eduardo speaks some English and my sister is learning Spanish. I can understand some words but mmm poco Spanish at best. But we had the most marvelous time together! It’s not the first time they’ve been to visit, so they were comfortable being here. We talked and ate and drank and played dice games. I feel so honored to spend time with this lovely family. They are so close knit. No boys until the girls graduate from high school - school is first always, along with family. And it’s so evident that the girls are so close to their mom and dad.

Emily’s house in smack dab on the gulf. When the moon is full, which is tomorrow night, the tide is really high. The ocean is quite high on the sea wall during the high tide - the sea wall which forms the base for her back patio and pool. The waves are quite intense when they hit her sea wall with a loud thump and then, as the Mexicans would say, a spectacular display happens….seen here in my blip!

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