Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Foxy Loxy

The story:

I tossed out the birdseed. The deer came down the hill and started to help themselves. Three of the young deer were standing in the driveway (having been chased away from the peanuts by a grumpy greedy adult) and suddenly were staring down the hill very intently. I thought "what can they be watching?" and watched to see if something came into view. And then suddenly there it was. A fox! It trotted into view from the left, moved into what passes for a clearing in the tall weeds in what is basically a milkweed field in the summer, and then sat down and looked up the hill! I snapped one shot before it got back up and continued trotting back into the woods on the other side. I know (think) this fox comes around most evenings to get some of the food I put out before we go to bed. Little piles for raccoon/opossum/fox because we've seen what are clearly fox prints in the snow.

Looking at that field it occurs to me that I forgot to get The Husband to cut it in late November. It'll need to be done at the end of the winter to keep it growing up in red cedars. But early enough not to mow baby bunnies. Eek. Timing is everything.

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