
By TheOttawacker

Well, it would be a highlight for anyone, naturall

The highlight of today was discovering that one of us, her name shall not be mentioned to preserve her anonymity, had left a tissue in her cardigan pocket, which had not been discovered during the pre-laundry pat down, and that said tissue had semi-dissolved into a million small pieces of speckled tissue paper during the wash. The wonder of this highlight was only increased by the fact that the load being washed was the blacks. This entirely predictable state of affairs led to my standing on the front step in -17ºC, shaking the wet clothes in a vain attempt to remove as much of the clinging, cloying tissue as possible. Freezing it was. I couldn’t use the tumble dryer because, well, we don’t and there were woollens involved. I was not a happy bunny.
Other than that, the day passed in total anonymity. I’m still miffed about Liverpool losing yesterday. I slept badly and am not in the least bit focused. I tried to book an AviaSim flight simulator session for Ottawacker Jr., for example, which I have been putting off since before Christmas. Finding a hole in his schedule on a weekend when he doesn’t have soccer matches or training – and when they had sessions free – was a nightmare. In the end, proudly, after cross-referencing various calendars, I booked it for February 15. I sent the news to Mrs. Ottawacker and sat back awaiting the bellow of congratulations from her office in the bedroom. Instead, she pointed out that while Ottawacker Jr. did not have a soccer match on said date, it was the weekend he had committed to the Big Bang Music Festival. So, I had to learn how to unbook the booking. And book again for a subsequent date. As I said, unfocused.
Very nice evening, dinner of leftover schnitzel. Watched a couple of episodes of The Durrells before heading to bed early.

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