Life At 60°

By Lifeat60Degrees


Last Sunday I commented that the thaw was on the way and this Sunday I'm saying the same again but with more confidence. A brief rest bite a week ago but it soon turned colder again and it was really cold mid-week with snow and ice and northerly wind giving a feels like of -10°c. It does seem however that the wind has turned to the south and cleared the roads and fields but to prove we are never happy I'm already hearing complaints about the wind and rain forecast for the week. 
Last week I also wondered where the curlews had gone and earlier in the week I saw plenty along the shoreline and sheltered beaches. Today plenty in the fields around the village. 
29 species of bird this week but nothing unusual but there were a couple of Mute Swans in the bay yesterday and today which is unusual. Extra photo is of a Ringed Plover bathing at Sannick.
Sunrise 08:56
Sunset 15:30
Noticing a difference with the light in the afternoons now.

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