Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


but still beautiful rhubarb and custard tulips

Although I was much warmer in bed last night with three blankets/throws and wearing a woolly hat in bed as well, it is still bitterly cold here today.

Church first thing, where I helped with the children (only 4 of them today) for the first time.  

Every few months we have a bring and share lunch.  I don't always stay for it, but today I did.  There were only a few of us, which I think must have been down to the cold weather today....  Someone had made a lovely chicken casserole and there were sausage rolls, pizza  etc warmed up.  I provided a quiche and there was also salad.  So it was a very mixed affair.  And it was so cold most of us kept our coats on until we were actually eating lunch.

Shortly afterwards I came home, and put my old warm clothes on again, and now lying under my electric throw on the sofa.  I've been dozing which I didn't want to do though...

Looking forward to Call the Midwife later :)

And its back to the grindstone tomorrow, so I'll need to do some ironing which will warm me up :)

Thankfully I've got a couple of days off this week.  Anyone fancy a meet up somewhere if its not too cold (on Friday)?

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