We had snow this morning. Not a lot if snow, just a covering. The weather was pretty grim though, snow, sleet, rain. We had a quiet morning, looking out at the awful weather. I took the Christmas decorations down. Late morning, it looked a bit better, so I popped out for a couple of things. The pavements were slushy and slippery, and of course the rain/sleet came on again.
Later in the afternoon I discovered why BB was so grumpy. He and his girlfriend have decided to split up, as being so far apart isn’t working. That was quite a shock, as they have been together for two years. I had to go out for a walk to get my head round it, and just felt really sad. My walk was pretty grim as the rain came on again.
The boys were watching rugby when I got in. Later we watched The film Invictus.
These poor crocuses have had to withstand a lot of weather today! They have flowered too early!!
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