
By Legacy

Neighborhood Treasure

This is one of the many wonderful historic homes in my neighborhood. This one was built in 1890. Most are lovingly restored and cared for. Every year there's a day where many of these homes are open to the public, which is really, really nice.

Today was both good and not so good. I have a tiny little kitten in my care. She's all grey, even her nose, and weighs only about 1.25 pounds. Someone dumped her, or her pregnant mother in the woods, and she was near death when my daughter found her. (Don't ask me what I think of people who dump cats/kittens/puppies or anything else out in the country). We have to get her over 2 pounds before I can take her to the Humane Society, but of course I'd much rather find her a home, so I'm going to work very hard to do that.

I'm very, very lucky to be surrounded by cat lovers at work, so I took her with me this morning since she has to be fed several time a day. She just sleeps, of course, but I'm sure as she gains strength she'll get more active. She had a nice quiet room all to herself and a pile of blankets and cuddly things in her carrier to lie on. She managed to piddle, and worse, on most of the stuff and I ended up with an entire washer load when I got home. On the up side, it tells us that her little system is working just fine which is really good news.

I'm calling her Trinket, because she isn't much bigger than one. She's slightly smaller than Lizzie was when I got her. And speaking of Lizzie, she's none to happy with a kitten in the house even though the poor little thing isn't in her space. Lizzie is a tortoise kitty and I've been told thay can be quite cranky and now I believe it. She's definitely not nice to the neighbor cats but I thought that was because she's lost a few pounds and was feeling frisky. Wrong. She's just not nice. I won'te be able to keep Trinket no matter what so looks like Lizzie's going to rule the roost and not have to share.

Unfortunately, my daughter hasn't been able catch two more babies or the mother, but we'll work on that and hopefully get them to foster homes, neutered and spayed. Fingers crossed.

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