
By CreativeCarol

Swimming lessons for a bird?

Look who joined Moira for a swimming lesson today...Edwin! Edwin is a egret that visits us from time to time. I posted a blip several months ago introducing Edwin who was trying to come in the house through our garage. When Moira's Swim teacher came to the house this morning, Edwin made himself known by trying to sneak in with the teacher. That was not going to happen. I tried to gently tell him he needed to visit his own relatives! It did not work. About 15 minutes into the lesson, I was inside the house and heard the teacher trying to shoo Edwin away! I did what any blipper would do I grabbed my camera:) Edwin was very happily walking all around our patio and making himself quite at home. As I was snapping away (Moira was totally focused on Edwin and not her lesson), I was thinking how do I get this lovely bird away without teaching Moira that you don't yell or throwing things at a bird!! If anyone knows a gentle but firm way , I need to hear it. I felt like I was chasing a two year old. It just walked ahead of me and we circled the whole pool without him clearing one inch off the patio. Finally, I saw my chance and I grabbed a green noodle (large floating tube) and waved it in front of his face. He looked me in the eye, squawked, turned and flew over the fence, only to fly right back. Seriously, the bird came back! I said a quick prayer and shook the green noodle a little more aggressively at him. This time it work. I just told Moira that Edwin was a silly bird.

My last day of the july heartfreek challenge and I had "About You" left on my list. With a blip that literally walked into my house, patio and pool, I needed to figure out a way to tie this in.... so here is my take. One thing about me is that I love birds. I hope through blipping to see more birds and take better photos of them. I have much to learn about birds. I throughly love seeing all bird photos that my blip friends post.

Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week.

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