By greengirl


We don’t have curtains in our bedroom, so on days when I don’t set an alarm, it’s the dawn that wakes me, and what a dawn this was! I jumped out of bed and went downstairs and straight out of the door to photograph it. As you can see, it’s still white on this (north facing) side of the valley, and although not as cold as yesterday, still hovering around freezing.

Tomorrow is meant to be warmer and wetter, so I decided to go up the hill behind our house while there was still snow around. I have found hills difficult after the cold I had some weeks ago, but today I felt fine, I took it slowly and didn’t get short of breath at all. My cough has finally disappeared. It was a delightful world up there, all quiet, just me and the sheep. (See extras)

Joe and D were splitting logs again while I was away :-)

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