Wren at Ten!
oooh! It's a Blippiversary!
I saved an extra just for today
then completely overlooked its arrival!
I'm over the moon... zero...
I've had a delightful if chilly day working in the garage again today. Most of the old kitchen units are now fitted, and I've used the old but very solid Beech block worktop to make myself a small but almost indestructible workbench, on which I have mounted the pillar drill and a small vice. I'm not much of a craftsman, but having the tools is the first step.
So, I've not been out much at all today, apart from a quick evening wander around the village. This wren was bouncing around the side fence this morning, nicking bugs off the wood. Reminded me to go out and retrieve, wash-and-sterilise then refill the bird feeders. Dirty feeders are probably behind the drastic drop in small bird numbers, but then so is a hard winter and scarce feeding options.
On the back of which, I registered for this year's Big Garden Bird Watch.
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