Elizabeth Park in Fall
Here is the painting I am working on in Open Studio where I was painting today. The painting still needs some changes and I will be continuing to work on it until I am satisfied with how it looks. This is what it looked like two weeks ago. Looking at this I can see some ways I want to return to the previous look. In many ways I like the current look better. But there are going to be more changes I am sure.
Like this painting, our life is in a state of change and flux right now. I can't really go into the details but my attention is on other things right now and I need to back off a bit on Blip commenting. I know I've said that before but this time I really mean it. I need for Blip to be totally a joy and not at all a chore and though I really love sharing comments with you all, it can become a task at times. And I don't need any tasks right now other than the ones I really need to handle. I would love to be as talkative as I have been lately but I don't think that is going to continue. I have really loved all the comments, stars and hearts you have been sending my way in the last few weeks. It's been an amazing time with my photos hitting the spotlight day after day. Something I did not expect. And I appreciate all of you wonderful Blip buddies for coming by so often to comment on my work. You know who you are. :)
I do intend to keep posting photos as often as I can just because I love taking them. But even that might have to take a back seat to some other things I need to be doing. Sorry to be so mysterious about all this but I really can't share exactly what is going on. Arvin and I are healthy and okay. So don't worry about us. We are just busy and I am distracted. This should mellow in time and I'll most likely jump right back on the commenting band wagon one day hopefully not too far in the future. Thanks for all you are and all you do.
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