Bridge Over Freezing Waters, Teston
It got down to -6 C last night, which for us southern softies, is bloody freezing. We managed a very cold jog this morning and I think I had a record number of layers on - five on my top half, two on my bottom half, a pair of thermal socks on my feet and running gloves to protect my digits. I still shivered and was glad it was all over in under fifteen minutes. Still, when we returned to the house it actually felt warm.
We later ventured out for a quick walk around Teston Country Park and that's where I took this image after my brother pointed out the wonderful shadows created by the strong sunlight on this footbridge that crosses over the river. We then went for our usual Saturday lunchtime drink in nearby Wateringbury.
Unfortunately, my brother has started suffering from migraines again (they seem to reappear every couple of years) and has had a particularly bad one this afternoon. He sometimes finds it's best to have a lie down and try and sleep it off but I'm hoping it will ease soon. He's looked after me so much when I've been struggling with stuff so if I can help in any way I will.
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