
By MShelley

At the airport

This was the scene at the Mumbai airport while I was waiting for my flight to Goa. It was around 1 am local time and even though there were so many people around at that time, the terminal was very quiet. There was a notice saying that they are aiming for a 'silent terminal' - so, no flights are announced. People have to keep an eye on the monitors for their flight's status, gates, etc.

It was interesting to see how people were passing their time while waiting for their flights. I met a nice lady - the conversation started with a discussion about the snacks that she had bought from the Café (featured in this blip) and after that we both kept away our books in our respective bags and chatted until 4:40 am which was her boarding time. After seeing her off, I waited for another half an hour for my flight and reflected on the beautiful 'airport' friendship that we had formed.

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