
By dunkyc

Did I Get It All?

Before I fully come to my senses when I first wake, there’s a precious few serene moments where I feel no anxiety.

How I wish I could hold onto that feeling. It must be very nice going about your day and not feeling an ever-present crushing weight upon your chest. 

Oh well, I’m sure each of us carries with us our own burden(s) and it’s all relative!

Lovely start to the day with pancakes and syrup, some Classic FM, the obligatory brew and catching up on some blip action. As ever, thank you so much for checking in and your kind words and best wishes for the pantomime, it really is appreciated.

Indeed, on my way into town to meet a friend for a lovely chat and choc, my daughter’s driving instructor saw me walking and wound down his window to wish me luck (or possibly to tell me to move)! It put me in a good mood for the rest of the day!

As for opening night itself, aside from someone (me) coming in a bit previous on a couple of scenes, it went great with plenty of laughs in the right places and loads of applause and cheers at the end. The opening night nerves did get to me a little in my opening monologue and I felt I was reaching for the words, but apparently you couldn’t tell. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing……?!

As for that driving instructor, turns out he was in the audience (which may actually be what he was yelling at me?!) with his family, but wisely sat at the rear of the auditorium beyond my gaze.

I did get him later though……

Proper team effort all round and looking forward to the rest of the weekend!

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