
By LesTension


The local news needed a shot of the Blood Drive at the local high school so I stopped what I was doing and drove over there for a while. It was sponsored by the local chapter of the FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) at the high school.
The Red Cross runs the blood drive but students in the FLBA take care of registration, etc.  Good participation is always evident.  I had the most delightful chat with this woman while she was giving a pint of A-pos.  She was nearing the 3 Gallon Club.  She started a few years ago when her late brother was diagnosed with leukemia and needed blood.  She continues to donate in his name.
I used to give blood.  I'm an O-neg and they LOVED me at the Vampire Store as I'm a Universal Donor.  I'd get calls at 2 a.m. from the ER saying WE NEED YOU for an emergency transfusion (it's nice to be needed).  Alas...no more.  I'm on several blood thinners and they don't want me anymore.  The last thing you want to give to someone who needs whole blood is thinned blood.  It doesn't clot well......you know the drill.

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