A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


No, the sun is shining but it is still below freezing so I thought a change from snowy blips was needed!

The joy of the extreme conditions this morning were a) the greenhouse door wouldn’t open and b) the washing machine soap drawer was frozen shut too - it’s in the garage. The bin lids have been frozen down for a few days and our neighbour was making a racket this morning trying to get his open! Needless to say collections are cancelled today.

So here you have my two bunches of tulips. The purple ones were purchased on New Year’s Eve which seem eons ago and the mixed bunch was bought on Tuesday and so haven’t opened yet. These together with the scent of the hyacinths in the dining room are bringing spring to the house.

No Tittle Tattle T shop or Book Group today and church services, except on Zoom, are cancelled again this weekend.

They haven’t had the snow we have in Bath but they have had the cold. The girlies going to school/preschool on the bike are heroes! Extra

Have a good weekend everyone, we’re promised double figure temperature next week in the UK!

 Bradford launches its year of culture programme this evening in City Square. Good luck though it appears the temperatures have just reached 0 degrees C in our village. The right direction!

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