Keith B

By keibr

Montage EB

A whole day without photos - how often does that happen, especially to a Blipfoto user? However, that was my fate today.
It wasn't idleness. We'd been out, once more, moving snow, gone for a very short walk, and done several indoor jobs. However, I did spend a whole morning reading "The Flow" by Amy-Jane Beer, one of the books I got for Christmas, which I'm finding hard to put down.
One of the indoor jobs was remembering how to put together a montage of pictures using the various programs that come free with an Apple Mac. A ridiculously easy job in the phone but somewhat more complex in the computer. I managed it eventually and so that's my blip for the 9th.
L to R clockwise - Black grouse, bullfinches, Eurasian Jay, goldfinch, and green finch.
I did spend a while watching the birds from the kitchen table. I haven't seen the fieldfares for a while so maybe they've finally headed south. The black grouse reappeared high in the birches. Some waxwings are still around. The jays are getting used to the feeders being in place and spend more time at them. At one point there were two jays waiting while one was feeding - they don't seem to share! I glimpsed the goldfinch briefly on the feeder. Otherwise it's all the usual smallish birds. I'm not the only one in the village feeding the birds so they have a fair bit of choice.
After these days of thick cloud and snow we've got a few days with sun coming up around the weekend - that's a pleasant prospect!

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