2025 Monday — Russian Fluff
When Mom married Pops, I had no idea it was a package deal. Grandma Schiefelbein (she-fel-bine) was part of that package. Before my birthday reached double digits my mom married my stepdad Pops. That would have been enough because as it turned-out, Pops was the Dad I really needed. But when I met Grandpa & Grandma Schiefelbein, I realized they were a wonderful bonus.
They lived in Florida and they seldom came to California, but when they did we had so much fun. Grandma was Grandpa's second wife; his first wife, Pops' mom, died instantly of a massive heart attack when Pops was approximately 20 years old. So sometime later Grandpa married Florence. She had never been married and did not have children. With one "I do" she became a wife, a mom, and a grandmother. I guess it was a package deal for her too.
Grandma Schiefelbein gave me many gifts, but certainly one of the best was her recipe for "Russian Fluff." I was a young teenager when she taught me how to prepare her casserole. I've made that recipe many times since becoming a wife years ago.
Two days ago I made a double batch; because Mr. Fun did not get into the second batch to nibble it to nothing (he loves this meal), we enjoyed "Russian Fluff" again this evening. As we dined, stories of Grandma & Grandpa Schiefelbein spiced our conversation and made our meal extra delicious.
"Russian Fluff" is a meal that conjures memories, lots of them; it’s sort of a package deal — meal and memories.
From California’s Central Coast
in Cayucos,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!
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