Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Not firing on all cylinders this morning, bit of a sore throat (but that could have been due to some heavy snoring!).

Lili didn’t want her tablets this morning or afternoon - at 16 I’ve decided not to stress and just go with the flow rather than stress her out.  She did eventually take some this evening as well as eating her tea.  She’s a little fickle at the moment,

Our lace group meeting tonight, but a zoom meeting.  Great talk from Kate Slaughter from Kate’s Kloths - she’s a textile and embroidery artist, has some wonderful little kits.  She gave us a very good talk/slideshow.   

I then got stuck on the computer with family tree (genealogy) stuff - I always seem to go down rabbit warrens and mazes ….. interesting to find out about our ancestors.  

Emergency blip of my yarn- I purchased a yarn advent calendar, each day a different colour - this collection fade through to blue.  They are so lovely, can’t decide what to make with them yet.


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