
By TheOttawacker

Holding out for a hero

Mrs. Ottawacker was due in again to the office for a meeting, so I got up early with her and drove her in, coming back to supervise the intake of waffles for Ottawacker Jr.’s breakfast. Then I had an errand to run. Early afternoon, I switched hats and picked Ottawacker Jr. up from school so he could go to a paediatric dental appointment. What normally takes 40 minutes in early rush hour traffic, only took 20, so we got there nice and early, and sat in the car listening to 80s and 90s rock. The last song we heard before going into the building was the bombastic Bonnie Tyler song, “Holding Out for a Hero,” to which we sang along, changing the lyrics as is our wont.
Into the building we went. Ottawacker Jr., on a keep-fit craze at the moment, wanted to take the stairs to the third floor and beat the lift. I agreed. He beat the lift. Then he badly needed a pee, so I went and booked him in, and sat down in the mainly empty waiting room. I heard him as he entered the office, and called to him to come into the waiting room. As he appeared, I said, “I’ve already booked you in, there’s no need to do it again.” He answered: “Thanks dad, I was holding out for a hero.” At this juncture, the young Muslim lady who was waiting with her daughter for another dentist removed her veil and shouted across the room, “What’s that song?” We told her. Then we went into a longish conversation about how the radio was so quiet in the waiting room that Shazam hadn’t worked and she hadn’t been able to capture the name. She had been singing it to herself so she could remember the melody and ask her husband when she got home whether he knew it. I told her the name again, and added in that Bonnnie Tyler was a stage name, her real name was Gaynor Sullivan, and she was now probably in her late 70s. This was apparently not as helpful as it ought to have been. I managed to not tell her that I couldn’t stand the Welsh screamer.
Thankfully, before we went into another round of “so, her name is really Gaynor Tyler? Or is it Bonnie Sullivan?”, the dentist’s assistant came to get us and let us to the chair. It was a minor issue, she was coating his teeth with something or other to do something or other or to stop them from doing something or other. Who knows. The dentist herself seemed to, but she kept on asking Ottawacker Jr. questions about his Costco membership when she had her fist in his mouth, so she might have been a canine short of a full set. $350 later, thankfully mostly covered by insurance, we left and went home. The blip is of Ottawacker Jr. imitating the x-ray of his teeth.
Dinner was Wiener Schitzels and potatoes… cooked by Mrs. Ottawacker.

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