Brrrrrr ..........
Still very cold and icy here today, but the sun warmed things up a bit by the afternoon.
I was going to meet up with old friends for lunch in town but 3 of them live out in the sticks where their roads are still pretty dicey, so we decided to call it off and meet up next week.
I had to go into town though to the Health Centre to have my routine bi-annual blood test and 12 weekly Vit.B12 jab. Got there safely and it was nice and warm in there. Nice to see my very nice bloodsucker and catch up with all her family news. I knew her parents well and she went to school with my daughters. She’s a very gentle nurse but ouch, the Vit.B12 jab really hurts as it goes in and she doesn’t bother to say ‘sharp scratch’ before she stabs me now!! Do others who have this injection also think it’s jolly painful?? Once the needle’s out though there are no after effects.
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