Emergency Charlie Blip! None of my photos today worked out - except possibly the extra - can you see that cheeky squirrel's tail?
The starlings have emptied the feeder above and I've had pigeons and squirrel feeding on the ground all day :( Then the squirrel was on the bird table - and when I opened the door it hid the other side - but sadly I wasn't quick enough to get a picture - so cheeky - it ran off with a small piece of apple in its paws!
Well, I set out to go to the office today - but could get get my windscreen defrosted even with 30 minutes sat in the car with the blower on.... I had started out removing the windscreen cover - and ended up ripping it, as it was stuck to the screen. In the end I took scissors to it! In the end because I couldn't get the screen defrosted, I arranged with my Manager to work from home again today!
Small world drama, compared to what is going on the other side of the world....
So glad its Friday tomorrow - and I'm hoping its warmer weather next week as I've a long weekend. Next Friday (17th) - hoping to go to London. Not sure what for yet though...
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